Is the past a foreign country?
Leaving behind homeland, customs and habits pave the way to a process where collective memories are eroded. Enculturation helping to connect remembrance with resilience is… Read More »Is the past a foreign country?
“Hanging over disasters” displays different small-scale installations with a theatrical dimension emphasizing the need of unconventional narratives to better appraise scientific evidence. In all photographic works, the basic principle that disasters are not natural and caused by societal failures is implicit. Triptychs are linked one to the other with a hemp thread bringing at the same time consistency and fragility.
Leaving behind homeland, customs and habits pave the way to a process where collective memories are eroded. Enculturation helping to connect remembrance with resilience is… Read More »Is the past a foreign country?
Urban environments are increasingly dynamic, complex, and interconnected. Yet, urban design is too often focused on engineering aiming at balancing economic efficiency with risk management,… Read More »Building on vulnerability.
Where is this couple gone? Homeless are not poor having caused their own plight. Homelessness is not a matter of sickness. It questions our “Sense… Read More »Home sweet home, they said.
Beyond semantics and the importance of words, using the expression “natural disasters” leads to place the responsibility of disasters on Nature and by doing so,… Read More »Disasters are not natural.